Lima 是一款运行在 macOS 上的 Linux 虚拟机,支持文件共享和端口转发,支持 Docker,就像 Windows 系统里自带的虚拟机 WSL2 一样。@Appinn
以前在 Mac 上想要安装 Linux 虚拟机,至少还要折腾一下是选 PD 还是选 VM,然后下载个 Linux 镜像文件,现在就…
第一步:安装 Lima
第二步:安装一个 Linux
第三步:打开 shell
一个例子:启动一个 Docker 容器
export DOCKER_HOST=$(limactl list docker –format ‘unix://{{.Dir}}/sock/docker.sock’)
docker run -d –name nginx -p nginx:alpine
以上命令将启动一个 nginx 容器,并打开本机的 8080 端口
支持的 Linux 发行版本
almalinux-8: AlmaLinux 8
almalinux-9, almalinux.yaml: AlmaLinux 9
alpine: ☆Alpine Linux
archlinux: Arch Linux
centos-stream-8: CentOS Stream 8
centos-stream-9, centos-stream.yaml: CentOS Stream 9
debian-11: Debian GNU/Linux 11(bullseye)
debian-12, debian.yaml: Debian GNU/Linux 12(bookworm)
fedora: Fedora
opensuse: openSUSE Leap
oraclelinux-8: Oracle Linux 8
oraclelinux-9, oraclelinux.yaml: Oracle Linux 9
rocky-8: Rocky Linux 8
rocky-9, rocky.yaml: Rocky Linux 9
ubuntu: Ubuntu (same as default.yaml but without extra YAML lines)
ubuntu-lts: Ubuntu LTS (same as ubuntu.yaml but pinned to an LTS version)
deprecated/centos-7: [deprecated] CentOS Linux 7
experimental/gentoo: [experimental] Gentoo
experimental/opensuse-tumbleweed: [experimental] openSUSE Tumbleweed
apptainer: Apptainer
apptainer-rootful: Apptainer (rootful)
docker: Docker
docker-rootful: Docker (rootful)
podman: Podman
podman-rootful: Podman (rootful)
LXD is installed in the default Ubuntu template, so there is no lxd.yaml
buildkit: BuildKit
k3s: Kubernetes via k3s
k8s: Kubernetes via kubeadm
experimental/u7s: Usernetes: Rootless Kubernetes
Optional feature enablers:
vmnet: enable vmnet.framework
experimental/9p: [experimental] use 9p mount type
experimental/virtiofs-linux: [experimental] use virtiofs mount type for Linux
experimental/armv7l: [experimental] ARMv7
experimental/riscv64: [experimental] RISC-V
experimental/net-user-v2: [experimental] user-v2 network to enable VM-to-VM communication without root privilege
experimental/vnc: [experimental] use vnc display and xorg server
带星星 的是稳定性比较好的系统。
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